Policy Day

What does the new EU organic regulation bring?
Organized by IFOAM EU in cooperation with BIOFACH

On 24 March 2014, the European Commission published its legislative proposal for a new Organic Regulation. After 2 years of negotiations, the 3 EU institutions (Parliament, Commission and Council of the EU) are about to come to a consensus on the legislative text.

The policy day will bring together the EU policy makers and the organic sector to discuss the possible changes that the sector will have to be facing when the new organic regulation is adopted.



Panel & Audience discussion: What should be the added value of a New Organic Regulation?

– Matej Hudec, Representative of EU Slovak Presidency
– Sabine Eigenschink, Vice President of IFOAM EU
– Michel Reynaud, Board Member of EOCC
– Luc Gauduchon, Food R&D Manager, ‎Léa Nature
– Thomas Fertl, Board Member & Rapporteur for Farming, IFOAM EU

Moderator: Eduardo Cuoco, IFOAM EU Directo

Conclusion - Christopher Stopes, IFOAM EU President
The end of the session followed by reception
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